How to Record a Document


E-filing provides the fastest turn around time on recording. Documents submitted via e-file are typically recorded on the same day (depending on submission time) and available to view online within 24 hours. You must sign up through one of our e-recording partners in order to submit electronically. Click here to view more information about e-filing and links to our partner vendors.



Mailing Address:
Clermont County Recorder
101 East Main Street
Batavia, Ohio 45103


We do not cover postage. Please make sure you have enough postage on your return envelope, and it is large enough to return your document(s).


Record in Person

Office Location:
101 East Main Street

Batavia, Ohio 45103
(513) 732-7236

Effective Monday, July 31stall deeds presented in person for recording must start at the Tax Map Office. Once you received the legal description stamp, proceed to the Auditor’s Office for transfer. After you have received both stamps, please present the documents to the Recorder’s Office.

You need:


Recording FAQ

Documents we record:
Click here to view the document list Note: Your document(s) must meet the standards set forth in the Ohio Revised Code or it will be returned to you unrecorded. Click here to view the template and standard requirements.

Recording process:
The normal time for completed recording process is 1-14 days (depending on your submission method). Your original document(s) will be returned to you in your self-addressed stamped envelope.

Possible reasons for rejection:
Incorrect fees, no legal description on required documents, poor image quality, social security number on document, tax map and auditor stamps required on deeds, etc. (Auditor transfer fees are $.50 cents per parcel and conveyance fees are $4.00 per $1,000.00) Visit the Auditors web site for more information